Thursday, November 20, 2008


So, it has finally come to a head. With the inclusion of a book from Permuted Press in the Bartlesville Public Library, the undead take over of Bartlesville is finally making real head way.

You must be thinking "But sir, it's just one book, how can this signify anything big for the future of your favorite type of fiction." (I imagine that everyone calls me sir, because it makes me feel like I am a fifty year old man, which is my ultimate goal.)

I understand that this may not seem like a huge thing to you but for a library who once used to only carry classic literature and harlequin romance novels to now be carrying zombie fiction (not to mention books but known subversives... In a conservative community!) is a huge deal, that means what I've been trying to do has worked. Secondly, it's not fiction, it's speculative fact... stuff to happen in the future.

Now, I have to call the library and request more of such literature... and also get in contact with the Zombie Walk people sometime.

(I know, I'm way to excited about a genre that's been popular for over forty years now, but I'm still a fanboy, otaku piece of shit, so let me have my little joys.)

P.S. The title has nothing to do with anything in this post, it's just the album I happen to be listening to right now.

28 Famous Scenes of Murder and Verse

Thanks to SAME HAT! SAME HAT! I now know that Creation books will be releasing Kazuichi Hanawa and Suehiro Maruo's "New Atrocities in Blood" art book... the only problem, they are only releasing 50 copies of the book, which means I will not be able to get it before all the other violent manga enthusiasts have their grubby little paws on it.... What a sad day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Boxer

Here's how sad my life had become, it is now almost six and all I've really done all day is drink a bottle of Wild Irish Rose and listen to Emmylou Harris. Does that sound like a fulfilling day to anyone else? Likely not.

I still haven't gotten a job.... I need one of those.

Awkwardly, just after I finished typing that last fragment my mother came in and handed me applicant instructions for Phillips 66... Which is cool, gas station employee is the career that I've always wanted.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

virelai ad mortem festinamus

Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur,
Mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur,
Omnia mors perimit et nulli miseretur.
Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus.

Ni conversus fueris et sicut puer factus
Et vitam mutaveris in meliores actus,
Intrare non poteris regnum Dei beatus.
Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus.