Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm beginning to scare myself, not in the good ways like thoughts about maiming your enemies with a hockey stick covered in bent nails but in the awkward what-the-hell-am-I-becoming sort of way.

Firstly, I've become unnaturally obsessed with the V-neck shirts from American Apparel, which may not sound weird, but anyone who knows me knows why that's a scary thing.

Secondly, I've begun to actually be able to go to sleep normally at night, which shouldn't be a bad thing, but I actually do have literal insomnia, so it's really awkward to wake up at 8:00 in the morning like some people.

Lastly, and the major one, is that I'm beginning to develop an interest in a really good friend of mine. Until recently I've viewed this person as nothing more than a really good friend and someone who's fun to hang out with when I get the chance. But now, I've begun to notice that there is a really subtle sexiness and confidence to him that really isn't common to most people, like he's really comfortable in his own skin, it's a really attractive quality.

The bad thing is I'm don't think he's gay, even though we do flirt and play around there's never been anything sexual or romantic about it, it's just two friends teasing each other, but everyone else I talk to are pretty sure that he is a queer. I don't know what to do, I hope to be able to talk to him about it one day like I've done with other friends that I've had an attraction to.

Oh well, I'm being melodramatic.

I'm going to go buy a canteen, because I want one.

ALSO, I have to remember to tell Shawnte that she is marrying a douche bag.

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