Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Childishness of Classic Games.

Last night seems like a bad dream to me. I don't know what actually happened but there was a lot of hostility between my best friend and her boyfriend. There was a rain slicked walk with deep conversations about how terrible people are. There was also some bad old Batman movie. Then I fell asleep.

Today's been pretty good though. Woke up really late considering how early I went to bed.

I had this idea while I was outside earlier. Remember the old days when videogames were all had a childlike nature to them, games like: The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, Kid Dracula, and the Legend of Zelda back when it was still considered the greatest game series ever. Well, I had an idea on how to possibly bring those days back, what if there was a game where you played as a small boy living staying in a small town surrounded by forest over the Summer and you played around as him as well as seeing things through his imagination. I don't really have much more ideas but I will say more when I have it finished.

I feel really sick right now.

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