Saturday, August 16, 2008

If Your Penis Is Bigger You Are Welcome In My House... If It's Not, You Can Still Come In But I'll Probably Hate You.

I don't really have much to say today, so I'm mostly just going to give you a small factotum that you probably aren't going to know what to do with...

Everytime I pick up a newspaper, no matter from what place I have a distinct way of reading it. I always start at the very top, I read the title of the paper and all the little dates and publication information around it. Then I always start at the very first article and read all the way through it. After that if there is a picture I study it very carefully, scrutinizing it down to the very last detail, then I read the name of the photographer, followed by the name of who wrote the article itself. I do this with every article no matter what it is. I always read every single article, and if a page is missing I throw the paper away without reading it at all.

I'm just like that.

It sounded like a mundane thing that needed to be written down because I'm reading Haruki Murakami and everytime he writes things, no matter how mundane, they seem really poignant.

In other news, Billy is back from his stay in jail, which makes me happy. Also, his penis is three or four inches longer than mine... Don't ask why I know that.

My leg is bleeding, I need a band-aid.

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