Sunday, August 17, 2008

Never Be Sincere — Sincerity Is The Death Of Writing.

It's only a few more weeks until I begin my journey into the already previously known, and yet at the same time unknown world of being on my own. I'm going to be so bored with thinking about truly leaving this place for good by then that I'll probably forget about it. It's been one of only three things on my mind these past few days.

I certainly hope it goes better than it did last time.

I feel like I've grown older in the past few weeks, not physically, in fact I feel younger in that right, but mentally I feel like I'm rapidly changing into who I'm going to be when I reach the peak of what I am to become. It's really taken this long for it to happen? I still have a hard time putting the way I feel into words, and I still try to pretend I'm the young, innocently mischievous person that I was a month ago, but in all actuality I feel that he is rapidly fading inside me. I feel really happy about it though. Finally, some actual change is going to happen inside me.

In other news, I've learned how to deal with my anger. Because of Toru Okada I now know how to make the person I feel anger towards have no relationship to me in my mind, and it's actually working surprisingly well, I don't think I've had a true outburst in anger in many days.

You're going to be alright, kid.

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