Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tempting Ghosts.

It was a good night for stirring up the world of the supernatural tonight. Too bad, nothing happened.

We need to actually get more commited to our struggles to find true proof of the world beyond this one besides just peoples feelings, intuition, and connections to the dead.

My friends and I decided that we need to attempt to find true proof of the ghost tales that have spread rampant through this town for the past years. One day, we will do it, but tonight was just not the night.

In other news... I've discovered that I might be one of those neo-hippies growing out of sustainability ethics and Green Party ideaology. This thought has of course been plauging my head since I had to write an article on projects working toward sustainability and a greener earth in our local school newspaper near the end of May. I've continued to become more and more aware of programs that strive to help make the world a cleaner, healthier place to live for everyone, as well as finding my own ways to help with these green movements.

Damn my Agnostic, Green Party, sustainability supporting ways...

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